This is where it all began.
I knew nothing about succulents or really indoor plants at all. Up until this point I had slowly killed most of the greenery that I brought into my home.
I was a PA (personal assistant) for a friend that thought I could do anything. He promised a friend he’d handle party favors for their wedding. Logistics would be an afterthought. He had no interest in doing anything more than delivery and set up. He’s kind of a master presenter so it was really his time to shine.
Anyway, I got to work doing a bit of research. They wanted succulents. The theme was blush pink and silver.

I spent weeks searching thrift stores for containers to upcycle. Two for $0.88 at our local Goodwill! I picked up an assortment of glass cups, bowls, goblets, and glass or metal spice jars. I was even able to leave some of the metal unpainted. I got to work cleaning all of the vessels to prep them for painting.
I went through approximately 1 can of white primer, 1 blush pink, 1 pink peony, and 2 silver mirror paints (to create a mercury glass effect.)
I happen to have an old screen that I laid on the grass to paint them on. I didn’t paint any of the interiors. I flipped them upside down on the screen to spray them. The blush pink and peony pink got a coating of primer before moving on to the pinks.

The mirror coating was a bit more involved but SOOOOO worth it and I’m so happy to have this technique up my sleeve.
Creating the Mercury Glass Effect

I’ve seen this done a couple of ways, but the technique I used was to take my spray bottle of water and do a light misting over the vessels. You can do this at different phases in the process. Sometimes I’d spray the water first then spray paint. Other times I’d do a light coating of the Rustoleum Mirror Effect paint and then the water. I’d let it dry, spritz with the water, and do another light coat of the paint. After a minute or so you can use the soft t-shirt/rag to blot or rub. I would rub the paint off in some places as I’d go, sometimes on purpose sometimes by accident.
This process is very rewarding and forgiving at the same time. They were all so unique.
Another technique that I have seen used is to mix your spray bottle with 1 part white vinegar and 1 part water. Instead of spraying with the water first, as I did, you do a full coating of the mirror paint and then sprits with your water vinegar mixture. You can also just mix it in a cup or bowl and dip your fingers in and flick it for bigger droplets

About those succulents….
As for the succulents, I got those off of Etsy from Natural Succulents. They were all so healthy and I really had no issue with the plants. I had them in my care for a few months before my friend was able to pick them up. We had really bonded and I sure did have some empty nest syndrome when they were gone. I’m talking about the succulents!
Since I up potted them, I did have to add some extra soil to the mix. I had a cactus and succulent blend that got the job done. I’m not sure it was the best blend, but it wasn’t the worst either.
I know, I know…. What about drainage!?
It’s true. Succulents don’t like to be wet. You will kill them much quicker keeping them too damp than too dry. Now, I didn’t fully know this at the time, but also, people get away with this all the time so….. Don’t drainage shame!
Since these were wedding favors I didn’t really want to chance them making a mess at the venue. The mix of crystal dishes and goblets really fit the vibe. I did put a note in with them on how to care for them and alerted my friend that too much water will kill them quicker than neglect.
This little project really kicked off my love for succulents, air plants, and houseplants in general. Do you have a story about fun project or assignment that was a gateway to your new love or hobby?