So… Here is something that was hard for me to let go of, but I did. A trashcan full of scrap electrical cords and plumbing copper. I know, so difficult right?
I guess I figured one day I would teach the kids the value of spending weeks (months/years) stripping the rubber off of old broken cords, extracting the copper out of old fan motors and plumbing fixtures, and then sorting into different categories of metals so they would be able to scrap it for top dollar!
We all know that feeling, right? Clutter up the basement for years then spend months processing it all, just to drive away from the scrap yard with a check for $5. Hey, if you are lucky it may even be $10; or at least enough to patch that hole in your tire that you got from the nail you ran over on your way out.
So brutally true. It happens to the best of us
Not only did I want to scrap some of it, but I also thought about building a mini back yard foundry.
Like this!
Tula use to LOVE watching metal melting videos with me. I figured one day we would melt our own and make jewelry or other cool stuff. Maybe one day we will, but first I want to have the space to do other projects that are more important to us.
Our friend Jeff (who I sometimes confuse for Sideshow Bob) came and picked it up. He will process it, scrap it, and hopefully it will all be worth it for him.
For now I’ll enjoy that extra 2×2 feet of space in my basement.
Easy come, easy go!
Goodbye cord hoard.